Since 1995, Golden Gate Fertility Centre has been supporting couples with fertility problems (difficulty in achieving pregnancy naturally, failed IVF/IUI treatments). Our physicians use herbal medications and acupuncture to helps women and men that face such debilitating disease to achieve pregnancy.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses a holistic approach to treat diseases, same for subfertility. Our body consist of complex ecosystems that depend on each, any disruption to one system will cause problem in another system, and this disruption will need to be reverse to normal (or to near normal). These systems need to work together seamlessly to create the optimum condition for pregnancy and lead to delivery of healthy baby.
About 1 in 7 couple have fertility issue, and it is a difficulty news to accept especially when couples have desire to build a complete family together. Infertility can be cause by many different things, most of the time there can be combination of causes, rarely a single cause. Common causes of infertility in women includes PCOS, endometriosis, fibroid, pelvic inflammatory disease, scaring from surgery, thyroid problems, premature ovarian failure, diminishing ovarian reserve. About 1 in 4 couples facing infertility unable to find the cause of it even after extensive time and money spent on all investigation, and they end up with disappointment and resentment.
TCM theory do not rebuke the causes listed above, instead, have different and complementary view on top of the causes listed above, especially for those couple where causes of infertility cannot be identified. Energy (Qi), blood (Xie), Ying and Yang are the essence of TCM theory, they are important factors and need to be in perfect harmony with each other for body to function healthily. Liver, Kidney and Spleen are closely related to fertility functions and fertility hormones. It is crucial to find out the exact problem, then with herbal medicine, we can address the root cause of the problems. The herbs can restore the functions of Qi, Xie, Ying and Yang to previously normal (or near-normal) state, naturally, a women ability to conceive will be restore. Talk to our TCM physician to find out more.
There are also several factors that can affect fertility, these include:
Age – fertility declines with age. Do not delay in seeking medical advice when you can’t achieve pregnancy after 1 years trying to get pregnant, time don’t wait for you.
Weight – overweight or BMI over 30 will reduces fertility. In women, being overweight or severely underweight can affect ovulation.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) – several STIs, including chlamydia, can cause structural damage to the fertility organs such as fallopian tubes. It can negatively affect fertility potential.
Smoking – smoking (including passive smoking) can reduce chance of conceiving and can reduce semen quality.
Alcohol – the safest approach is not to drink alcohol at all to keep risks to your baby to a minimum. Drinking too much alcohol can also affect the quality of sperm.
Environmental factors – exposure to certain pesticides, solvents and metals has been shown to affect fertility, particularly in men.
Stress – Stress is one of a major risk factor we often underestimate. It can reduce the potential to conceive. This is especially true when most women have a busy schedule and is further worsen by the stress of trying to get pregnant. Excessive worrying and excessive exercise can cause hormone imbalance in severe cases it can even affect ovulation and sperm production. It can affect your relationship with your partner and cause a loss of sex drive. A but of Qi Gong, yoga or meditation may help.
Since 1995, we have help more than 2000 couples of all types of condition to achieve pregnancies and delivered healthy babies. The combination of herbal medicine with acupuncture increases your chances of conceiving, but conceiving is only the beginning, keeping your body healthy while your baby is in your womb is important to prevent miscarriage or preterm birth. Do not hesitate to come for our FREE consultation, we will try our best to help you.
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